The Wand Position

The Wand Position
Often Used for Magic

Friday, October 29, 2010

Practicing Your Bilocation

More practice as we proceed with the teaching of Bilocation with the ultimate intention of influencing Mother Earth's weather patterns to improve the quality of life while possibly preventing some storms of becoming so catastrophic.

Also further glimpses into the future of how this work and other related work could be applied to prevent possible catastrophic future events.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More True Magic for Challenging or Malevolent Energies

With the coming of Halloween and other situations you may find discomforting here is True Magic that you can utilize for self-protection as well as to protect friends and family.

There is a sound problem on the video but I feel that its subject matter still warrants being posted.

Friday, October 15, 2010

2011 Predictions - Phenomena

Phenomena now in the skies and elsewhere, and developing more in the future of this year as well as 2011, will be because of an increase of soul energy as a conscious phenomena in the day to day lives of all human beings. As we become more of our soul selves and embody this spirituality we will experience and demonstrate our natural capabilities and our true spirit selves.

Friday, October 01, 2010


Here we teach some basic steps in bilocation, as you might find here or here, building on previous work provided on the written blogs as well as here on video. Bilocation is a step towards learning how to be influential with Mother Earth. Soon we will apply it in benevolent ways that will allow you to see at least part of your true potential.