The Wand Position

The Wand Position
Often Used for Magic
Showing posts with label Permission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Permission. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Understanding Mother Earth: Soil And More, Part 2

What if all of the cures to all the diseases that we have were in the soil itself but where in the soil and in what combination with other parts of the soil. Might it be possible that that could be found.

The worlds greatest laboratories are searching and perhaps they will find. If they don't find the cures it won't be for a lack of looking for they are in all honestness seeking but there may be right now - is there - there may be right now a means to acquire those cures.

I believe and I have been taught that some of the ancient teachings of earth through to the peoples of the Earth have survived or been rediscovered by those who are also in earnest pursuit of relief for the ills, aches and pains of others. Sometimes these people are called Medicine Women or Medicine Men because they know the ways of the plants.

Do you know that almost all plants we classify as weeds have this capability. They have learned to survive on a combination of nutrients that defy, very often, the experts as to how they can survive.

How can they grow practically in rocks? They have learned to survive not only for their own sake but for ours. They have within them, very often, the combination of elements that will cure many diseases not just one - that's the key to look for for those of you who are looking and very often they have the key or even the ability in some part of their form as we see it or that which is underground - the roots - to cure all diseases not just one.

It's important though to honor them when acquiring any parts from them - a leaf, a flower, even a small portion of root and don't destroy the plant even if you are a researcher medically.

The plant will not be able to accomplish its purpose to help us if you grow it in a laboratory because it's all in the soil you see, not just the plant itself - did you know that? It has to be acquired in part in the wild.

Try to go for that part that is offering itself. You might see a portion of root for example, that seems to have been moving above the surface. If so, try to have a sensitive person with you so you'll know if it's alright to acquire that part.

This may all seem to be a little much for those of you in science world but remember, very often the reason you went into science world - remember - was to help and also remember that even though we might not consider plants to be the same as human beings they are creations of Creator and remember that Creator has created a planet here that has microcosms and macrocosms.

The circle of life is intended and we must try to remember that all things support all other things and that all has feelings. Acquire what you must to experiment and seek with honor, appreciation and kindness.

Never take without permission. Ask for permission in the most benevolent way and if no plant gives permission, and they will not say yes or no you understand, you must go with feelings. I've spoken about this before so use that method in order to ask the plant if it is volunteering a portion of itself then use that method and see if you feel warmth.

If you do not feel warmth then it is not volunteering a portion of itself. Use that method to interact with all the plants whether they are co-operating in offering a portion of themselves or whether they are co-operating in offering only their energy. If no plant gives permission to take a portion of itself then you must utilize the energy of the plant while it is alive.

How to do that as a Scientist? Bring with you a petri dish that has a version of growing culture from that disease. With the sensitive person who has volunteered to come with you - alright - you hold the dish, using an extending tool of some sort - if it is made of wood that would be best, behind some portion of the plant or plants that you have found may be influential to cure this disease. You hold it behind or set it on the ground behind the plant exactly where the sensitive person says it's alright to put it.

Then ask the sensitive person to blow with their breath through the plant or plants towards the ground where the petri dish is sitting. Then wait. You ought to be able to see some differences in the structures in the petri dish within 12 to 15 minutes. Give it a try. It is my intention to help you find the cures in such a way as you can prove it to yourself.

Remember - everything is alive, deserves our respect and honor and remember - those cures are offered with love from plant beings misnamed weeds that are really plant doctors.

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Look

I was reminded recently by something I saw on another blog - it was a beautiful if somewhat sad picture of a cat who had an unusual look on the face. This unusual look, a stare they give you often, is something I have seen before several times with cats and dogs and sometimes people for that look in the eyes always means the same thing.

It is often found in the eyes of the elderly dog or cat or horse or other being. It means the same thing. It means - will you......

This look is very simple. It does not require any action on your part. You don't have to do anything, you don't have to take them anywhere but it is important to be able - when you are able to say something. It can be said only if you mean it and no further action on your part is needed. Also it is only necessary to say it once.

They must be awake when you say it or at least if possible conscious in some way. If in the case of a human being or an animal that is suffering they are not actually awake or under sedation you can still say it in those circumstances but only if you mean it.

This is what to say or something like it, "I am giving you permission to move on, to pass over, to die. You can, I am sure feel that urge and that need and if you've been staying here only because you love me but you feel the call to be elsewhere or you are suffering in some way that I do not see and it cannot be measured by others then please know I love you and if you need to move on and pass over into the life beyond it is alright with me."

Never say that unless you really mean it because at that stage of life whatever being is told that including a human being they will read what you say by the feelings they have in response to your feeling. In other words, what you are emanating as a feeling.

So don't say it until you are ready to say it and do consider that this is a permission that we all may wish to ask some day. We come to this planet, we live as well as possible and some day we must move on even though we may be surrounded by loved ones.

We, at that stage of life, may need their permission because it is possible for a human being to hang on so tightly to someone they love that one feels obligated to stay alive no matter how much suffering is involved. I know this is not something that is easy for anyone but I do feel that it is important to put it out here because life and death and life again is part of the normal cycle here on Earth.

I recall once having to break the news to a friend of mine that her cat whom she loved dearly who was giving her the look really just needed to be told by her that she gave her permission to pass over and that it absolutely did not mean that she would pass over right then and there but that it would probably mean that she would no longer be getting the look because her cat needed to know that she had that permission.

I know it may seem strange to you that a beloved pet might do this but you see they love us so much that they need to know that we can get along without them and that they don't have to suffer and that they have our permission to move on when the time's right for them.

So she did do that and of course her beloved cat stopped giving her the look. I just thought I'd mention that.

Remember, if you make the statement to your pet releasing them from their bonds to you that it cannot be made with reservation - meaning you cannot say - I give you permission to die but please, please stay with me as long as possible. You see that doesn't really work because your cat is paying attention to your feelings first and your words second.

So it is absolutely essential that you be prepared to say this. Don't just say it as words because they are not enough. So practice, practice saying it out loud and remember this must be said out loud. It can be whispered if the moment calls for that but it must be said out loud in some way and you must truly give them permission from your feelings as well.

So, I know it is a sacrifice and yet I can almost guarantee you once you say that with the feeling of really releasing them from hanging on to the bitter end because you need them so much - once you give them that permission you won't see the look anymore.

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.