How I've lived, what I've experienced as well as the true magic I have learned to apply in benevolent ways. Use this to support yourself and others through 2020 and beyond.
The end of the world insofar as struggle, pain, violence and all the rest is at hand. It has already begun but it does not mean that it is the end. It means that overlapping that end which has also already begun is a new world that will be more about benevolence, kindness, acknowledgement, appreciation, respect and understanding and yes - love.
This new world has already begun and is already influencing people and places. It's just not as loud, so to speak, as the old world's ways but over time you will see that it becomes more noticeable and develops into a place that you would want to be. So, let it be and know that the best is yet to come.
[Note: The energy was so powerful for this video I thought about not using it because of all the saturation of light. Interestingly enough it originally looked blue and the following day it has looked white, so I'm not sure how it's going to look on You Tube.] (Further note: You might be interested to know that while it was daytime the drapes were closed and the lights were off.)
Now that it is after 1-11-11 you'll find that you have a dazzling new ability but in order to use this ability you will have to be clear as the Beings who are here to help you - and the energy they have brought with them will be held back very slightly from some of you as you must prepare yourselves physically to use it.
It is here however and even those of you who may be angry about many things - including things that might feel completely justified - will have moments when the energy creates, with your guidance, something benevolent. If you want to find out more about that watch this video.
If you would like to do more for animal world here is something you can do to help balance their existence and your own as well. It is in the form of True Magic*.
*Here is more about True Magic and also procedures to do it that I recommend.
Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.
This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you** - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.
Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.
It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way. You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.
[**Note: If it is cold where you are then wear what you must and when you say the words or make the motions do it slower and a little longer in the way that feels good to you. Those of you who've been doing this for a while will know how long to do things. If you are relatively new to it then hold each position perhaps an extra 30 seconds and when you're saying the words say them slowly. That will help if you're wearing insulating shoes.]
We face north because that is the direction where creation takes place and it is also the direction where the manifestation of what we are attempting to create begins to take place in our outer world as well as in our inner world.
We turn to the left because that's the way the Earth turns and manifestation is then most likely to occur.
Robert is known as a Shaman, Mystical Man, Professional Trance Channel and Author for over 40 years. More than 40 of his books have been published so far and others may be coming soon. For videos see Robert's YouTube at or and for a list with descriptions of his books: also
Remember, if you have a question, to check the Labels first. You'll find them in the lower right hand corner of the blog. And since the Labels may not be thorough you can always use the search box in the upper left hand corner of the blog.
Anytime I put something in quotes (" "), or Grandfather gives you words to say in a video, which are a suggestion for you say something - possibly a Living Prayer or a True Magic for example, it is always meant to be said in exactly those words inside the quotes. Do not vary those words at all. If you trip over it or accidentally say another word then you'll have to go back and do it over again. I know that may seem kind of a struggle but this is how you get it right and how you learn it.
I do not expect you to learn all these things at once but over time you will absorb as many as you can and others will absorb what they can and you will co-operate and do things together as needed.
While I appreciate You Tube's efforts at captions, Automatic Captions are not accurate for my videos - especially videos by Grandfather - at this time.
Tripping Over Time
2019 Year asked, “Have they delivered the new year yet?” “No! They keep
doing that crazy thing,” Time Boss answered. “What crazy thing,” 2019
asked. “Yo...
Helping You To Protect Yourself And Others
Since many people are concerned about 5G and its effects on you
especially if you are close to one of the towers or simply in an area where
the energy ...
As In Water, So In Us
I’d like to tell you something today about water that can improve the
quality of your life just knowing it. Water does not like to be trapped.
It ...
Growing into a Channeling
Oftentimes in one of your channellings for a private session perhaps or to
your students they will hear what they hear for themselves in your teaching
Minor Changes on My Blogs
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Minor Changes on My Blogs
Laws have changed in the European Union that have to do with some elements
on my blogs, so I’ve removed those elements to comply. I hope these
removals ha...
Why We Ask For Benevolent Energies
Why do we ask for all the most benevolent energies that are available for
us to be all around us and all about us before we request a transformation
The word "benevolent" which is a cornerstone of Benevolent Magic is meant to express a feeling.
However it has been pointed out to me that not all peoples have the word "benevolent" in some directly translated way in their language. So on that basis I will put a few other words here that are, in my mind, associated with benevolent:
Well meaning and kindly, kindhearted, humanitarian, good.
Also when I say in a Living Prayer or Benevolent Magic, as is shared here, "...the most benevolent outcome" that means the best possible outcome for you and/or others.
I have built in to all of this advice and guidance I am giving here very specific and contoured - meaning applicable to different individuals in different situations - means to protect and insulate all beings.
A Suggestion
For those who are new to this blog I recommend that if you have not found what you are looking for to use the search in the upper left hand corner to see if you can find your subject on this blog.
Keep in mind that with this blog and with my others that one thing builds on the other and there is likely to be material that precedes whatever you are looking at here now though I do try to keep each post as individualistic as possible.