I have been writing about Benevolent Magic, which I've channeled about extensively for twelve, fifteen years now. I believe in its value because of its benevolent impact on my life and the lives of many others.
My friend Tom Moore has come up with his own version of Benevolent Magic that I sometimes think of as Shorthand Benevolent Magic. I've decided to share his article that he wrote in 2002 here on this blog in case you may be interested to read about it. Tom will be updating his work on this subject in his own web site and when he has that on line I'll put a link here for it.
Goodlife to you all.
From your reading and studies, you understand that we are all Creators-in-training. We are supposed to be learning how to create from the ground up, with the third dimension as our training ground. Now we are entering a new phase of learning how to benevolently create events. Robert Shapiro, in his latest book, THE COUNCIL OF CREATORS from the Explorer Race series, channels, "Seek out more benevolent experiences for yourself. Seek out more benevolent companions and experiences of benevolence for you and your companion or your family or your people."
Sometime around six or seven years ago, I kept noticing that benevolent
outcomes were mentioned in channelings. As I understood that words have great power, I started to say out loud that I requested a Benevolent Outcome for almost every physical event that was occurring in my life. Amazingly, everything that happened turned out for the best-including those difficult" lessons in life" that we have contracted to experience in each of our lives.
So before we go too far, I would like for you to say, out loud (you can
whisper if it would disturb someone or bring unwanted attention to you), "I request the MOST BENEVOLENT OUTCOME from reading this article." Did you say it? Humor me and give it a try. Now that you have, does this sound a little "weird" or "funny"? We'll discuss this later.
Now the title of this article mentioned a tool for your toolbox. I discovered that there are a number of metaphysical tools available to help us through these earth lives. You just have to make use of them.
As an example, back in 1968 I was operating a ski club for single adults as a business. One day, on the front page of the local newspaper, an astrologer predicted that the Dallas Cowboys would not make it to the Superbowl that year, but would go the following year. At the end of the American football season, the astrologer was proven correct. I booked 300 airline seats a year in advance to Miami and became the first tour operator in Dallas to ever run a trip to the Superbowl for Dallas fans. I started scheduling all of my ski club meetings and parties to coincide with benevolent (there's that word again) astrological aspects. This was highly successful, the club grew to be the largest in the region, and many couples met and eventually married. I also had to open a travel agency, and it eventually became one of the largest wholesale tour companies in the Southwest USA, selling tours through 3,000 travel agents nationwide. This success inspired me to search out other metaphysical tools to use.
Another tool available is numerology. If you haven't done so, buy a book and figure your own charts. It will contribute to understanding who you are.
I began recording my dreams on a daily basis in 1979. Recording dreams each morning in my dream journal has been a major tool in my toolbox. Over the years, since 1979, I have recorded thousands of dreams, with many of them precognitive. My dreams also guided me to change careers. It's the closest you will get in this life to your immortal self. I highly recommend it.
I have also learned to dowse. Many dowsers can find, besides water, lost items and missing persons, do map dowsing, and much more.
Again, it's another tool for your toolbox.
Which brings us to Benevolent Outcomes. What an important tool! This will allow you to learn and experiment with co-creation while on the physical level. It will give you immediate feedback-very important since we are never sure whether we are really manifesting something or not.
As an easy-to-do exercise, let's say you're going to a shopping center, or to dinner or a movie at a location where it is typically hard to find a parking space. You say (well before you arrive), "I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for finding a parking space near (say the place you're going to.)" Now I have had some friends say, "But Tom, I use my 'parking angel' already." Here is why I think requesting a
Benevolent Outcome is better. If you just request the nearest parking
space, your angel or guide will comply, but that might not be the most benevolent place to have your car parked. Someone could open their car door too hard and "ding" the side of your car. Or someone might back into your car and dent it. By being too close you might miss that old friend of yours you haven't seen in ages, or the sale you would have not known about if you had not walked past it on the way to your destination. But Benevolent Outcomes work perfectly!
Recently on a visit back to Sedona, our friends and we drove to the "uptown" section of Sedona for Mexican food. For many of you who have visited Sedona, you know that the parking there can be quite problematic because of the many gift shops and restaurants. I requested a Most Benevolent Outcome when we left the hotel. Every single parking space on both sides of the street was taken until we reached the restaurant. There, right at the front entrance, was "our" parking space. Again, this was immediate feedback that we were creating!
Two of our friends, Joy and Bob, recently drove to Las Vegas from Dallas. They requested a Most Benevolent Outcome for their drive, hotel, and parking. Each time they passed a police radar speed trap, they were behind trucks and other traffic that had slowed them down. In Las Vegas, they were given exactly the floor of the hotel they wanted and a view of the "strip." And they found the perfect parking space where their car would not be "dinged."
Joy and Bob also just purchased a home in the country. Every time they have closed on a house in the past, they experienced problems at the closing-mistakes in the paperwork, etc. This time they requested a Most Benevolent Outcome for the closing and "sailed through" the process with no problems.
Some more examples: My son, two friends and I flew to Salt Lake City, Utah and camped all the way up to Yellowstone National Park and back. What a wonderful trip! I knew that our flight back to Dallas was oversold, so I volunteered the four of us to be "bumped." Typically, the airline compensates with free tickets, which I thought we could use the next year. Naturally I requested a Most Benevolent Outcome. They did not need our seats, but for volunteering, they gave us four First Class seats. My son, his friend and dad had never flown first class, so this was the treat of their lives. The following summer our schedules did not coincide and we were not able to return-therefore truly a Benevolent Outcome!
Another example: My family and I took a cruise from Houston. My daughter and I played bingo the first day, but other activities kept us from playing again until the last day of the cruise. I had requested a Most Benevolent Outcome the first day, but we did not win anything, and so I requested again on the last day. The "coverall" pot had not been won during the week, and on the last day they play until someone wins it. I won half of an $8,400 pot along with a young man that was sitting right next to me. I'm sure people thought he was my son. What synchronicity! It paid for our cruise, as we had already been given 50% off, thanks to a Benevolent Outcome on the same cruise the year before.
My son returned from an all-night high school graduation party with a Sony Play Station he had won in a drawing. Although it was the second largest prize, it was the one he really wanted. He explained to me that he had requested a Benevolent Outcome "two times." Once was really enough.
Another couple in our metaphysical group have a very 'high end' painting contracting business. With the economy in Dallas and the rest of the USA in retreat, things have been tough for them. Billy hasn't gotten used to requesting Benevolent Outcomes yet, but his wife, Jo, and I both requested a Most Benevolent Outcome for their business to pick up. Just in the past week they picked up a 20,000 square foot house, which will take a year to complete; he is about to sign a contract on a second large house, and will probably be awarded a third contract in the next two weeks.
Recently, I added to my request. I requested a Most Benevolent Outcome for my sales trip to a TV market in Budapest, but I added, "and may it produce better results than I expect or hope for." I was invited to a meeting where a Russian/Ukrainian TV network agreed to become a co-production partner in a movie to be filmed in Siberia, and our company will be the worldwide distributor. I flew from Budapest to Athens and requested the same thing. Not only was my business successful there, but also my colleague in Athens asked me to help him sell his TV productions on historical Greece.
Does requesting Benevolent Outcomes sound strange, or weird, or "funny?" It does take a little getting used to. Some of my metaphysically oriented friends have slowly adopted using the request, especially as they see more and more positive results. But it has been difficult for others. I can't help that. I did not "invent" the words. I just started using what the channeling entities used as part of their language. When I started using this statement, there was very little written about Benevolent Outcomes. More is being written, and it seems that we are using Benevolent Magic.
The request has to be done physically, either verbally or in writing, as we are in a physical world. It seems we are communicating at a super-conscious level with other higher selves to co-create these requests. These Benevolent requests are probably only "training wheels" in our learning to co-create, but it should give all of us a basic understanding of creating benevolent events. You will receive immediate feedback, which will increase your confidence in its use as a tool. I also like to say "thank you" three times when I receive a Benevolent Outcome. It's just nice to acknowledge the assistance you received.
Keep in mind that you must be willing to accept the Benevolent Outcomes. If you request a Benevolent Outcome for a dear one's recovery from an illness or injury, the Benevolent Outcome may be that they transition peacefully. If you ask for a Benevolent Outcome for a job interview, and they choose someone else, you have to accept that there is something better on the way for you.
If you have had a number of successes with the more mundane incidents in your life, it will be much easier to accept the outcomes for those more major events that come along.
Please test this out for yourself. It is a "habit" that is created by repetition.You have to consciously think to use it for some time until it becomes natural. But the potential results will mean an easier life for you, your family, your friends and ultimately all of us. I believe it will contribute to a rise in our vibrational rate. So please email and give me examples of your use of requesting Benevolent Outcomes and send this article to your friends if you like. I'm sure you will have some great events to share with me if you'd care to.
The Hollies - He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother [ Lyrics] HQ Audio
For my old friend Peter who recently passed away. He was like the brother I
never had in my life. Goodlife my friend
1 year ago