The damage to the obelisk we know as The Washington Monument, I feel has portents to have a broader impact.
The original designers of the Washington Mall had ideas in mind when they placed that monument there. I feel it would be a good time now to ask or pray for solidarity in the union of the United States and all her people.
The Hollies - He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother [ Lyrics] HQ Audio
For my old friend Peter who recently passed away. He was like the brother I
never had in my life. Goodlife my friend
1 year ago
Robert , I have remembered this post and realized that no one in the government acknowledged the damage to the Washington Monument as a result of the earthquake. I said prayers around this and sent light and love , and healing reiki energy. TODAY 1/19/2012 (one day after my birthday) I read in the newspaper that a private person, is donating 7.5 million dollars of his money to fix the damage to the Washington Momemunet from the earthquake in August , 2011. I felt that this was so amazing and a blessing , and a good reason to feel that there will be hope , and time to celebrate for our country be blessed . Diane Collett Greenblatt
Well done Diane.
Blessings to you Robert Shapiro and thank you so much for all you share and do , I truly loved to follow your work and I felt so delighted to know that in my awareness , and my spirtual evolution that I was presented with this information , especially since; I do not own a televeion, have a blessed day, Sincerely
Diane Collett Greenblatt
Thank you Diane.
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