The Wand Position

The Wand Position
Often Used for Magic

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Seeing Alternate Realities

A few more comments about Seeing as I’ve taught here and here and also here. Most of the time what you’ll see, especially in the beginning, is colors. You might see blue light or you might see green light or more frequently perhaps a purple light. You might see white light. In short, you might see colors.
 You might also see things or shapes, especially at night, that look like people except that they are shaded usually grey or charcoal grey and will most likely be moving about. 
 This doesn’t mean that it’s an energy or a Being that is unpleasant, it just means that it’s someone from an alternate reality and they may not even be able to see your reality so don’t expect them to interact with you. 
 So what they do, while it might seem strange at times, is because it’s not their reality and even the surface plains that you’re looking at, say a street or a road or the land isn’t their land. 
 So you might see them suddenly step down and then step down and then disappear but that’s because where they are there’s perhaps a flight of steps there and they’re stepping down those stairs. 
 So you will see things that are unusual. I may share more with you about Seeing as time goes on. 

 One more thing. As you practice these abilities which are actually innate within you, though perhaps deep in your consciousness, you will automatically be drawn up into a higher plain of existence because these are things that you do as your natural self when you are not embodied on Earth. Goodlife

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