Friday, December 24, 2010
Predictions and Your Responsibilities
Friday, December 17, 2010
Protecting The Earth
Friday, December 10, 2010
Influence With Mother Earth: Moving Hurricanes
Friday, December 03, 2010
Magic - Application - Service: Recreate Your World
The things you will learn here will help you to change your world in ways that might seem unbelievable to you right now but your world needs to be changed in a supportive loving benevolent way for all beings so that everyone here on the planet can survive and thrive, be respected and be appreciated and ultimately understand and appreciate the value of life itself.
I grant that these might be lofty goals to achieve on this site but the magic, the mystical seemingly, capabilities that I'm reminding you of here - that you know about at deeper levels of yourself can be accomplished in a benevolent way by taking the time to practice, to do the steps even though you might feel you're just inching along and to ultimately know how to do these things at any moment in the most benevolent way for all beings.
Friday, November 26, 2010
2011 Predictions: A Lot More UFOs
Friday, November 12, 2010
Understanding Your Instinct
Your physical body communicates in physical feelings and the cornerstone of physical feelings is instinct. There will be some simple homework here for you to discover more about your own instinct.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Practicing Your Bilocation
Also further glimpses into the future of how this work and other related work could be applied to prevent possible catastrophic future events.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
More True Magic for Challenging or Malevolent Energies
There is a sound problem on the video but I feel that its subject matter still warrants being posted.
Friday, October 15, 2010
2011 Predictions - Phenomena
Friday, October 01, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
More About Long Vision
*I'm going to give you a little instruction and that instruction is how to see clearly beyond what is directly in front of you. What is directly in front of you does not refer to a thought, an idea, but in fact what is actually physically in front of you.
Sometimes, it will be something that isn't pleasant. How do you see beyond that? This is the foundation instruction I want to give you on a procedure known as Long Vision.
If you can, I'd like you to look at something in the distance. It would be useful to be outside or be able to look outside. Find something significantly in the distance and then I would recommend that you imagine, to the best of your ability, what's just on top of that thing - all right - and in order to do that the best thing is to look at something - perhaps a mountain or a plateau but many of you might be near the sea so look as far as you can look on the sea itself.
Imagine what might be beyond there. Perhaps imagine a whale - a peaceful, benevolent whale. Perhaps imagine a ship that is filled with friendly people, including crew and try to imagine what it looks like. This will give you the opportunity to try that.
Many of you live in a city and cannot see past a certain building that's blocking your way. Imagine what the top of that building looks like, the very top, not the top floor where people reside but the very top. Imagine what it might look like.
You might reasonably ask, what good is it? In order to be able to see beyond what you can see, you need to be able to imagine it. Imagination is the divine part of the mind, because it can move beyond what is, to what might be.
Now, after you've done that once or twice, I want you to try something else. Look up at your ceiling, all right, or look at a wall on the other side of the room or look at a tree across the yard or look at a wall across some distance.
Don't go over and touch it. Not yet. What I'd like you to do is to use the arm you normally use to receive things. If it's your left hand, fine. If it’s your right hand, fine and reach your arm, that arm, towards that thing – the wall you see or the tree for example - and move your hand in such a way as it’s somewhat in front of your eyes and move your hand along the contours of that wall or that tree.
What you are trying to do is if you're going to imagine that you can touch that tree or that wall. So you are reaching but you are not actually going to get up and go over there and touch it, you're imagining what it feels like.
Now, after you do that for a while get up and go over and touch the tree or touch the wall. Don't do this with a human being or you might accidentally take on some of the energy that they have around them, which you will not be able to process and which will be uncomfortable for you. I'd recommend not doing this with human beings at all. It can only be harmful to you. In time, I might give you the process to avoid that.
Now after you have touched that thing to the best of your ability from a distance, if you can go over and touch it in reality and see if it feels even in some way similar to what you could almost feel at a distance.
(Quoted from Capacity To See Beyond. Posted to Benevolent Magic blog on August 27, 2005)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Breathing and Teaching to Come
Friday, September 03, 2010
More About Long Touch
Friday, August 20, 2010
2011 Predictions: More About 1-11-11
Many of you might see phenomena in the skies or experience some phenomena with animals - perhaps even as you would find here which continues here, or others. Some of you might see things in nature that surprise and startle you and most often it will be a good type of vision - something enjoyable.
1-11-11 is starting something. It is not about endings. It is entirely about starting. This is a time when benevolence will be more obvious.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
An Announcement About Posting Frequency
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
More About Colors - Gray
It is a color that can be used in clothing but must be supported by other colors so that you will be safe in the most benevolent way wearing gray.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
2011 Predictions: More About Choice
One foundation might be anger, revenge and general reaction because of perceptions that are warlike or entirely frightened. The other is benevolent perception - a belief in the value of benevolence and the interest in how to pursue it. A creation of either of these belief systems with corresponding physical feelings in your body has almost completely taken place for you all.
You will have the chance to understand in 2011 what it means to create from either of these positions.
Many's the time if you choose the latter - to choose benevolence - you might feel foolish, you might feel silly, you might feel your peers think you are naive. However, to create from that position will be benevolent for you and others.
You will have to choose whether you want to be seen as the tough guy or the tough gal, alright? The tough man or the tough woman, the tough boy or the tough girl or whether you're prepared to take a chance to look up the meaning of benevolent to understand the concepts being taught on the blogs Benevolent Magic, A Mystical Man's World, Explorer Race and the books and thus choose to create, manifest and otherwise birth into the world - benevolence.
The time is now. Choose.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Clarity - A Special Extra Message For You Today
I've posted this to You Tube because I was gearing the videos to a more general audience, as those of you who've been reading and studying the blogs here could tell. However I wanted to share it with you because I know many of you do not go to the You Tube, or single out just one of my three primary blogs to read and study. So I'm going to add here this video and these words below so you can see what I have stated to the You Tube viewers. Goodlife.
Greetings my friends. I feel it's important to add this to the post I already put up today even though it's not on the subject of Choice but towards the end there's a little bonus about that and the next video in this actual planned sequence will also be about Choice.
So this is something I needed to say for a while, and I've asked Grandfather to say it for you so that it will be clear and understood in the most loving way, and I hope that you'll hear it in the most benevolent way.
Just know that I appreciate you all and I do feel good about your interest in spirituality and your desire to be empowered so that you can practice your own spirituality in the most benevolent way.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Earthquakes and Long Touch
*For a more thorough understanding of Long Touch you may wish to continue your studies here.
Friday, July 02, 2010
The Work That I Do
Thursday, May 27, 2010
2010 Predictions: Abundance and the Natural World
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Healing With Healer Trees
Sunday, May 16, 2010
My Path of Learning and Practice

One of the people I work with and am assisting to learn many things has asked a question that has come up before many times and since it has come up many times I thought I would publish my answer to him here for you to read. Here is his question:
Is there a difference between Shamans like you and the ones from (a place mentioned here), as in (video link here).
How do you feel about the (place mentioned here) Shaman culture, if I can call it that way?
And here is my answer:
My Friend,
I do not watch, read or in any way study the work of other Shamans. This is entirely because I'm attempting to move on my own path - growing, changing and acquiring wisdom as I accumulate time and experience.
If I interact with other people in this work I keep it in a social vein. In my experience many of them wish to do that as well.
So I won't be looking at the video link you've sent and I can't really comment on the value of the work of others except to say that there are many people working with great sincerity using mystical and shamanic practices to improve the quality of life for all beings. This is what I believe and I feel that those goals and a great many of those practices are worthy contributions towards that end.
There is a related issue that comes up as well and it has to do with the channeling I do as well as other forms of inspiration I receive. So even though the following is somewhat repetitive as it is an answer to another question asking me about someone else's work I'm including it here so you know a little bit more about me and the way I work:
Greetings my friend,
I have to tell you that I have a certain standard because of the channeling that I do. I don't follow other people's work be it spiritual and especially if it is inspired or channeled. There's a reason for this.
I decided very early on that in order to bring through new material or even material that may have been known once upon a time in the far distant past but was completely lost that it was essential for me to not expose myself to other people's inspirations. So even though I've run across things - especially say books about people's UFO contacts that I would have loved to have read, once I started even the early stages of my channeling I stopped reading all that stuff. So we're talking about really not having read these things since the 1970's.
So, I do not ever read anybody else's or expose myself to anybody else's channeling or spiritual material they produce in the form of words or the spoken word.
This is not because I'm an elitist or a snob :-) but rather because I wish to produce what I do produce from a completely original point of view to the best of my ability without being influenced or stimulated by the creations of others in the world of spoken or written spiritual matter.
I've dedicated myself to keeping as clear as possible as a Channel and this has allowed me to bring through The Explorer Race material and other things that are unique.
Understand that I value other people and their work and I do encourage you to read and study a wide variety of inspired and mystical work when you're on your own spiritual, mystical or shamanic path but when you are firmly on that path as I am now, and in my case have spirit teachers to guide me, then focusing on my own path in my own way is what's best for me.
For you - you will have to decide when, what and how you will stop studying with others - perhaps with the guidance of your teachers - and follow your own path. The people you serve and your experience with them may prompt you to extend your education through your entire practice however and life as well. Experience is often a wise and humbling teacher.
Still, whatever you choose I would recommend you choose a path that is benevolent for you and all beings. Goodlife to you all.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Clearing Places For Travelers
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Support For Animal World That You Can Provide
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Economic Aha
Sunday, May 02, 2010
More About Grandfather and You
*Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.
This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.
Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.
It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way. You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Merging With Mother Earth
This builds a bit on Bilocation as you will find here and also here and is an application of that. Such exercises as this allow you to focus and to feel, to extend and provide and understand your greater being in its application.
As always we will build on these things over time.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Unexpected Beneficial Results From Using The Heart Warmth
migor3231 question on How To Know, Part 1:
This must be very important, paying atention to the iner voice i mean when you talk about that alot. and i have a question, when i make the heat in my chest, do i have to wait until it goes away until i ask my next question, couse it will always be warm there, for every question i make! what if it doesn't go away for few minutes? still wait or try another day?Thank you, Goodlife
My answer:
migor3231, the heat is lingering in your body because it is working for you and with you. This is what to do.
Even when you don't have a question now for you, bring the heat up and let it be there. Your body is utilizing this heat love energy to work to clarify and support you.
Know also that after allowing the heat to work in your body for a time eventually you will be clear and the heat will not linger so much when you ask questions. If the heat lingers again at some point this means it would be good to allow the heat to be present to clarify you once again.
More will be said about that process in How To Know, Part 3.
As far as asking your questions then, you'll have to wait another day to ask a question as you suggested.