I've been running a lengthy series here on Mystical Man because of changes I want to encourage you to apply.
I've given a lot of instruction on benevolent magic on my blog with the same name and for those of you who've been following along, reading and applying what you've read on that site, I'm sure if you have not already said living prayers in association with what I've been speaking about here in these past few blog posts then you are waiting for something to be suggested in this series that you may do.
First off let me say that I'm not suggesting that any farms or farmers be blamed. Remember that farming techniques have been long established for certain types of animal raising but there are many farmers and ranchers, perhaps even the majority, who treat their animals with great care and respect.
It is something that we need to do, I believe though, to change the consciousness of what are perceived by peoples - human peoples of course of the world - as to who and what deserves our respect and honoring.
Some of that was suggested in the channeling that you read in part 3 but I also like to suggest things that you can do as spiritual students and teachers here reading this blog.
First of all I'd like to suggest the application of living prayer if you have not already said one and this is what I would recommend you do. First ask that you receive and experience the most benevolent energies that are available for you that you can experience to feel - and then pause until you have some sense of feeling even if it is just a feeling of inner love, compassion and kindness or a genuine feeling that you recognize of energy which may also come with those feelings as well.
Then I recommend you say the following words, "I am asking that all beings of the world receive care, love and respect that is due them on the basis of their simply being on Earth and being here to exist and thrive in the most benevolent way and that this respect come from all peoples - humans and others - and that this result in the most benevolent life for all beings."
Now there is one other thing I recommend you do and I will take that up in the next part. Goodlife.
The Hollies - He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother [ Lyrics] HQ Audio
For my old friend Peter who recently passed away. He was like the brother I
never had in my life. Goodlife my friend
1 year ago